I've been reading English stuff on Internet for quite some time, and I would say it helped improving my English quite a bit. Among all these readings, one thing that never ceases to amuse me is that I keep seeing quotes labeled as "Chinese proverbs" coming from everywhere, yet I've never heard of. Granted, I am a science student, not a major in Chinese literature or history, but I consider myself quite knowledgable about Chinese proverbs (well, at least much more than most people writing in English). So I have always been wondering if these quotes are really some proverbs that I simply don't know, translations of proverbs I know but understand differently (ancient Chinese IS vague), or just something made-up.
The problem is that I don't have a good memory. Now that I am blogging much more often, I think I can put all the "Chinese proverbs" I see in this blog. Hopefully someday I can figure out the origin of some of them.
Today's quote is from
a comment on
slashdot: Many laws make many criminals.
在一个我本科同学聚集的半私人 BBS 上,大家谈起游戏。说到打某个游戏的人分两种风格,一是规规矩矩把同样颜色的方块都堆在一起等一次消掉的,一是随便乱放靠通配的钻石消掉某个颜色所有方块以快取胜的。
然后我们系版的版主,中文系锦心绣口的 inking mm,就同意说:“狼一看就是第一种。”
然后 inking 就似乎很严肃的纠正道:“……不是刻板。整饬是一种美。”
【注】整饬:② 严正;严谨。《新唐书·吕諲传》:“少力于学,志行整饬。” ③ 整齐完备。张华《游猎篇》诗:“舆徒既整饬,容服丽且妍。” ——《辞海》(1999 年缩印本),夏征农等编,上海辞书出版社,第 1651 页,2000 年。